Tuesday 6 October 2009


"How To Reverse Your Situation So Your Ex Fights Day And Night To Get You Back...Even If It Seems Hopeless"

I'm About To Reveal A Hidden Way For You To Literally Have Your Ex "Begging" To Get You Back, Especially If You're The Only One Trying...Guaranteed

There was the hard crack of wood and the screaming of breaking strings on the sidewalk as Donna hurled Alex’s electric guitar over her apartment balcony and onto the sidewalk.

All of the neighbors heard her terrible sobs and screams “GET OUT! GET OUT! Donna had finally had enough of his lies.

She knew Alex was a good guy who loved her deep down, but she was sick of being taken for granted and lied to. Alex knew he made some mistakes, but he really loved her and he just wanted to know how he could make her feel good about him again. It just seemed there was no way to wipe the slate clean and start over again. He tried calling and texting her without luck. It seemed that everything he tried only made things worse.

Their Relationship Ended That Day, Just Like So Many Others…But What If It Didn’t Have To End?

What if you could start over? What if you could turn back time and get your relationship back to what it used to be? Even if your current situation seems too far gone or too complicated.

I know that if you are reading this page you probably can relate with this story. Maybe there wasn’t any yelling, maybe your ex just told you calmly, "it’s over". Either way, you probably miss your true love terribly.

You probably find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. Every song you hear on the radio is a haunting reminder of the love you used to have. And on top of it all you have to cope with the loss of friends and family from their side.

Below is a small sample of the hundreds of success stories that we've received. Click on any of the pictures below to read their Breakup Reversed success story!

Are You Hurt And Depressed?

You don’t have to be…

Believe it or not most relationships can be saved. Almost every break up, whether it be for infidelity, lost passion, endless lies, lack of appreciation, money problems, meddling in-laws or even serving a prison sentence. No situation is completely hopeless. Just look at all the convicted felons and murderers that get back with their lovers and wives after being incarcerated for years.

Why It’s Not Over

You are probably shaking your head in doubt? Yet why shouldn’t you be able to do what other couples have done?

All of us know couples that have gotten back together. Either she takes him back or vice versa.

However, here is my point. Do you even remember why they broke up in the first place? I bet you know at least one guy or girl that took someone back after someone has cheated.

You have probably also heard of at least one girl that has taken a guy back even though it is against her best interests. You’ve probably even heard of a woman who’s gotten back with a man after repeatedly being verbally, even physically abused.

I’m NOT recommending that you save an abusive relationship, I am merely proving the point that no relationship is beyond saving. The simple fact is…

“Couples Get Back Together Every Day, Even In Situations Worse Than Yours”

How is it that they are able to recapture their lost love in even the worst of circumstances? Is there some sort of secret or technique to getting your lover back with recharged love and passion?

What did they do that was so special? Did they use some sort of “magic” on their ex’s to get them back? NO, but somehow, they said and did the right things at the right time, mostly by accident. And almost like magic, they were back in love or at least in a situation where they got a second chance.

But what if there was a way to win back the heart of your lover that wasn’t just by chance or accident?

What if you could know exactly what they said and what they did when they were successful? What if you could put this to use to light up the passion again…to help you return to a time when your love was new, fresh and exciting…

You Can, With A Kind Of Love Remedy…

There is in fact a way to get back the desire, passion and love from someone that slipped away. You can even have them doing everything to get you back.

You see, you can use proven techniques that others used by “accident” on purpose to win back the heart of your love and keep it forever.

This might sound unbelievable, but bare with me and I’ll prove it to you

Do You Have These Love Sick Symptoms?

  • Unable to listen to music as each one makes you cry
  • Dialing your ex when you are drunk
  • Keeping track of your ex on Facebook or other tools
  • Binge eating for comfort
  • Texting or emailing him or her constantly
  • Constantly checking to see if there is a text or a missed call
  • Uncontrollable urges to spy on your ex
  • Thinking non-stop about why the two of you broke up and what you should have said
  • Feeling depressed and like you can’t go on
  • Preferring to stay at home and mourn rather than go out and meet new people
  • Endless rehearsing what to say if you bump into him or her

…of course you have to be careful what you wish for here. Most people ruin their chance when they finally get a hold of their ex. They don’t get what they expected at all. They panic, become defensive and get into arguments and then it all gets really ugly.

Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Ex?

  • Did you try to convince them that there is nobody else in the world for him or her
  • Do you apologize all of the time for everything you ever did
  • Did you promise to become another person by saying you would "change for good this time"
  • Did you try to get them to see that it really wasn’t your fault
  • Did you lose face by begging the ex to take you back
  • Did you talk too much…did you become defensive, insulting and angry, did you end up driving them further and further away!

If you are acting like this, it’s not your fault. They never taught you how to “get your ex back" in school and your parents and friends don’t know either. Really, we should have been taught this, what could be more important than love?

How 4 Failed Marriages Led To The Discovery Of The Love Remedy

Let me introduce myself, my name is Robert Parsons. I want to share with you a little about myself and how I discovered the “Love Remedy”. You see when I was growing up I lived through 4 failed marriages. My dad wasn’t the luckiest guy when it came to women.

I watched over and over again while my dad would fall in love with a great girl and then somehow screw it up and try everything to keep them going, only to ultimately fail.

One night, my dad and his 4th wife were fighting all night and at 3:30AM I was pulled out of bed and told we had to leave. That’s when it all started.

I Got So Frustrated With All The Fighting, I Vowed To Solve The Relationship Puzzle

I became obsessed with relationships, what worked, what didn’t and how to fix failed ones - I've been absolutely consumed by this quest. So I started studying everything I could get my hands on! I bought every book on relationships, psychology, marriage, and many other related topics.

I spent years swallowing stacks of books, scientific papers, psychological reports, and ground breaking relationship programs. I have literally read hundreds of relationship books from cover to cover. At last count, my library contained 327 books and I have read every word almost to the point of memorizing them.

But reading wasn't enough. I've interview and studied the progress of countless relationships. I've also traveled the world to meet with leading relationship gurus and experts.

Now, Thousands of Hard Working Hours Later, The Relationship Puzzle Was Finally Solved...

After more than 5 years of costly in-depth research and a lot of late nights, uncovering relationship secrets one by one and through a long process of trial and error and dozens of interviews and experiments, I applied my years of training to finally uncover the solution to reversing even the worst failed relationship.

Now, many years later, I’ve helped thousands of relationships regain their lost love and passion. I even helped my dad, who isn’t remarried, but happily in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and counting (his longest relationship yet). But before you try my methods you should know that…

WARNING: These Are Unconventional Methods!

I am not the conventional relationship guru. I’ve tried all that stuff, it just doesn’t work. So I must warn you, my methods are very unconventional. You won’t hear this stuff from any relationship guru. I am here to get you results.

I mean, some couples are in counseling for months, even years without success. Then they try my program and the next thing you know their sitting back on their couch watching their favorite TV shows.

Sure there are some so called “relationship” experts. But they rarely have any real world experience. Plus, their too interested in sounding smart, there methods are too complicated and just don’t work.

I gathered my techniques from Real World experiences and my focus has always been on methods that work for everyone, and ones that work fast.

Once you understand the mistakes your making and what you need to do, your ex will be fighting to get you back. Once you understand these relationship truths, you’ll get your relationship back to the good old times.

Now, I’m guessing that if you’re reading this page, you probably have some relationship troubles you want to fix. If you do, I know…

I Can Help You…

If you’ve broken up with someone and want to get them back, I want to help. I wish I could help every person one-on-one, but there’s just not enough hours in a day to help everyone who needs it. I literally answer over a hundred emails each day.

I want to give you the next best thing to working with me one-on-one. So what I’ve done is created an easy to follow, step-by-step program with all my secret techniques, I call it Breakup Reversed. I’ll take you by the hand and make sure you fix your relationship and get your ex back.

Here Is A Small Sample Of What You'll Discover When You Get Your Copy Of Breakup Reversed Today:

  • How to reverse the situation so your ex fights day and night to get you back, even if you’re the only trying
  • How to get instant relief from the pain, emotional stress and depression of a fresh breakup…You’ll feel better in just minutes and start thinking straight again!
  • Discover the tell-tale clue that tells you if your ex still wants you. It doesn’t matter what they said…This is all you need to look for!
  • Did your man cheat? Learn the dirty tricks some women use to steal your man. Reverse the situation with the ONE THING men crave more the food, sports and even sex!
  • What every man must know about what women want…if she doesn’t get this, she’ll find it with someone else. Once your master this simple technique she’ll be begging to get back with you.
  • The REAL reason men leave women and the one thing you can do to make sure you keep him happy and yours forever! (and it’s not sex)
  • Are they dating someone else? An easy 3-step system that uses the fact that over 90% of all rebound relationships never work out to your advantage
  • Did you cheat? How to quickly and easily wipe the slate clean, using secret techniques that brings forgiveness in the shortest amount of time
  • The absolute best time to apologize from what you’ve done. Don’t do this and you’ll ruin your chances for good!
  • 7 techniques you must know to win back their heart, mind and soul. Without these you might as well give up right now.
  • Turn back the hands of time and take back hurtful things you said. The virtually unknown method that permanently erases what you said in your ex’s mind.
  • Learn the Instant Reconnection Technique that used on its own would reverse almost all breakups. This “secret process” will trick your ex lovers mind, they’ll feel like you’re still together. This uses the power of their subconscious to get them back.
  • How to avoid the 12 biggest mistakes you can make while you’re on a date with your ex. Follow these proven steps and avoid saying or doing something you’ll regret.
  • No more mistimed Sex… Uncover the best time to have sex during the makeup process. (Hint: Women almost always sleep with him too soon and men take way to long)
  • These Bonding Secrets are so powerful they explain why hostages sometimes bond with their kidnappers. Virtually undetectable, these techniques work on 99.9% of people to create instant, strong bonds.
  • How to recapture the romance that the two of you had when you first met. The easy cure to breaking negative relationship patterns.
  • A secret trick that every women should know that will make him unable to get you out of his mind. He will start calling you again and you will be shocked at the complete transformation he makes.
  • Worried about fighting once you’re back together? How to instantly diffuse any fight in seconds in a way that leaves you laughing and more in love than ever. You will swear this technique is magic because it works so well!
  • And much, much more…

And believe me... this is just the tip of the iceberg! Breakup Reversed is so much more, it's a complete step-by-step system that will get your ex fighting day and night to get you back.

These Techniques Work!...Maybe Too Well

Sometimes I get worried about how well this stuff works. I don’t want to help a JERK get their ex girlfriend back, when it would be better for her to move on. I also don’t want to help a “crazy chick” break apart a marriage.

This program is for good people, this is not suited for stalkers, ex-convicts, manic depressives, obsessed individuals or anyone who is slightly crazy. It just works too well.

It works so well that I have seen perfectly sane women take psycho men back and women take back men who don’t pay child support and who have had multiple affairs. How crazy is that?

But don’t take my word for it…

What Kind of Results Have Other People Had With This Program?

Breakup Reversed Success Story #10
“…your techniques work for long distance relationships as well.”
I just wanted to write to you and let you know that your techniques work for long distance relationships as well. I recently followed your advice after a bitter online breakup which I could barely handle as it was the rebound relationship after the breakup of my 3 year marriage.
I knew exactly what to write him so I would get him back. He called me and we immediately reconciled. We are starting out slowly but at least, thanks to you, he is in my life again!

Thanks again,

June Roberts, Manitowoc, WI -- 11 Month Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #11
“…we’re back together. Thank you!”
I read your book and there was good advice in it for getting back on your feet and not staying depressed after a bitter break up.
I am happy to report that you picked me up off the floor with your advice and I am now a stronger and happier person. In fact my ex did notice my new self confidence and he did try to come back a few days ago and now we’re back together.

Thank you!

Nadia Singh, San Diego, CA -- 2 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #12
“…he just proposed and we are the happiest we have ever been.”
Well guess what… I followed all of the techniques in your book. In fact he just proposed and we are the happiest we have ever been. In fact you would never know there had ever been a single fracture in trust between us in all of our lives.
I will be thinking of you on my wedding day on June 7, 2009 and how your wise advice helped me snag the fiancée that I always wanted after all.

Victoria McKinnon, Erie, Pa -- 4 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #13
“…my ex and are talking again”
I don’t know if we will get back together again but I am very relieved that my ex and I are talking again after almost a month of a long bitter silence.
John Stevens, Sydney, Australia -- 2 1/2 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #14
“…your techniques worked”
Thank you for your book. I loved my girl, who was my life. I made a big mistake one night and screwed around. She found out by snooping around in my cell phone and I thought I was history.
Fortunately for me your techniques worked and we're back together now, I can't thank you enough.

Kevin Holm, New York, NY -- 6 Month Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #15
“…thank you again for helping me get my girlfriend back.”
We broke up a few weeks ago because we were always fighting and she would even talk on the phone. Believe it or not, after reading your book, we decided to go to Mexico.
The techniques in this book helped me get her back, I can't believe how easy this was. Thank you!!!

Purvis Jones, Hamilton, ON -- 1 Year Relationship SAVED!

This is only a handful of the testimonials we get, check out some more at the bottom of this page.


If you were once a couple, I can get you back together. This is because it’s human nature to secretly want your ex back no matter how badly he or she has behaved.

The things I teach you here have helped thousands of heartbroken people just like YOU win back the heart, mind and soul of the one you love…forever (if you want.)

ORDER TODAY and you'll also receive the following 5 FREE bonuses worth AT LEAST $119.20!

BONUS #1 - Instant Heart Ache Relief
How to get instant relief from the pain, emotional stress and depression of a fresh breakup…You’ll feel better in just minutes and start thinking straight again!

Value: $29.95 yours FREE
BONUS #2 - Breakup Reversed Quick Reference Guide
A complete, quick reference guide to rebuilding a failed relationship. We’ve saved you time by summarizing the most important steps of the program in and easy to use quick reference guide.

Value: $9.95 yours FREE
BONUS #3 - Secrets To Saving Any Marriage
Learn the secrets to saving any marriage...no matter how bad it is. After studying hundreds of marriages at the brink of divorce, Robert Parsons has uncovered the secrets to restoring a loving and passionate marriage.

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
BONUS #4 - How To Keep The Fire Burning After You Makeup
The most asked question from the thousands of people who've recovered their lost relationships is "now that we're back together, how do you make it last?" My newest book reveals the simple strategies to keep the fire burning and it will be sold separately after this promotion is over, so get it now for free while you can.

Value: $39.95 yours FREE
SUPER BONUS - (Only A Few Spots Left!)
Free One-On-One Counselling With Robert Parsons For 3 Months
Yes, free unlimited personal one-on-one support, advice, and guidance from a life-long relationship researcher is always just an email away.
I've spent years researching how to reverse breakups and you can email me and I will work with you to help you fix your relationship and rekindle the love and passion with your ex. I will spend as much time as is necessary to help you.
Value: $197 yours FREE
Not only are you getting the full program when you order today (at an incredible price) but for a limited number of orders I will also be giving you my private email address. You will get unlimited one-on-one counselling from me should you request it. This offer, which is priced at $197, is absolutely free for a limited number of people today, so order soon. I can’t offer this for too much longer, I can only handle so many emails per day.

So What's the Bottom Line? How Much Does The Complete Breakup Reversed System Cost?

The Breakup Reversed System is the only step-by-step system in existence that has been proven effective at restoring a broken relationship and it is, by far, the most comprehensive information you'll find anywhere.

The best news is that because there is no printing cost with e-books, this book is much less than it would be if you had to buy it in a bookstore. AND you get all this crucial information instantly, without waiting, you can begin to use this right now to light up the passion again…to help you return to a time when your love was new, fresh and exciting, for only $99.99!

Limited Time - Over 60% Discount

Get Breakup Reversed TODAY and save over 60% off the regular price of $99.99.

Get your copy today for just $39.

Disclaimer: Discount only valid for customers who place order before offer expires

Yes, this is an incredible bargain any way you look at it, but this price won't last forever! Remember, when you order now you get the Breakup Reversed program including an audio version you can listen to in the car, 4 valuable bonus books and the priceless private counselling with Robert Parsons.

Don't wait to order at this low price! This promotion is being offered by our publisher for a limited time, and very soon the price will be going up to $99.99. Remember, when you order you get FREE personal counselling with the author, but don't wait, there are only a few spots left and their going quick!

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Do You Want to Experience All of This for Yourself At No Risk?

Listen, I want you to be as confident as I am and the thousands of people who are now happily reunited with their ex lovers. But just in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. Order the program today and read every word, download every bonus, and take me up on my free email counselling.

If for any reason, you're not completely convinced that The Breakup Reversed system is worth the price many times over, then within the first 60 days I want you to ask for your money back. I'll refund every penny you've paid, and we part as friends.

Plus, you can still keep The Breakup Reversed System and all the bonus books for your trouble!

The truth is, you NEVER have to worry about a refund. Why? Because once you actually start this proven, step-by-step program that you’ll uncover in the Breakup Reversed system, I'm confident you're going to hardly believe that you are back with your ex again with recharged love and passion.

Robert Parsons

I understand that you may have a few more questions, so I’ve including the most common ones I get.


What if I take the advice in your book and we don’t get back together?

There is no impossible situation but sometimes it really is the end. If you cannot make my techniques work for you for any reason, please I want you get a full refund. In fact you have 60 days to return the book if you need to.

Isn’t this just the same old information I can get anywhere on the Internet?

When it comes to love advice you get what you pay for. Most of the stuff on the internet is plagiarized from old books about love and don’t really apply to today’s present-day situations.

What do you think about all the other “get your ex back” type books for sale on the Internet?

These books are my competition and I’ve bought all of them. I’m not going to insult or compliment them but I can sum up their contents very nicely for you.

“Do not contact your ex for a month and in the meantime work on improving yourself.”

That’s all you get, that’s the whole program. They tell you to do the same thing in every situation! Some are less than 40 pages worth of content. In my opinion they don’t give you the tools you need to successfully get your ex back.

Can read Breakup Reversed on a Mac computer?

Of course, the Breakup Reversed system is in a PDF format that is viewable on any Mac or PC.

When will I receive the Breakup Reversed Program?

Once you’ve ordered, you’ll receive it immediately because it is a downloadable book. Downloading the Breakup Reversed program is super simple, safe and reliable. It will be stored on your computer so you can view it whenever you like.

What if I have a question or need clarification about something in the Breakup Reversed Program?

No problem. When you order, I include my personal email address for customers only, where you can send me any question you may have.

I want to make sure you get back with the love of your life and I will do everything I can to help you do that.

Just Imagine Being Together And Once Again Being Able To…

  • Listen to music again without being haunted by past memories
  • Getting your appetite back
  • Free yourself from the unbearable feeling in your chest
  • Live once again with a joyful, happy heart
  • Sleep soundly again at night
  • Stop being jealous every time you see a happy couple
You can have all of the above for only $39 and with a 60-Day Money Back guarantee, there’s absolutely no risk for you!

If you love your ex then get this information today. Every minute that passes is going to make it harder and harder for you to get them back.

Save your relationship! Order this program today. This is your best chance to save your relationship!

Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,

Robert Parsons,
Relationship researcher, breakup expert and author of the Breakup Reversed System

P.S. Don't forget, I'm taking all the risk. If after trying my method you don't get your ex back just as easily as thousands of other people already have, I'll immediately refund every penny. Not only that, but you get to keep the books free for all your trouble. If you love your ex then get this information today. Every minute that passes is going to make it harder and harder for you to get them back. Try it now!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Here Are Some More Happy Couples Together Again Thanks To Breakup Reversed!

Breakup Reversed Success Story #16
“…your download is worth more than money.”
Well what do you know? I paid by Paypal for your book, downloaded it, rolled my eyes and went “here we go again” and then was pretty surprised to see that I was addicted to what you had to say. All I can say is that your download is worth more than money.
I decided to try out a few of your dirtier secrets to getting back with my ex and I have to say that they worked for me. I am back together with him.

Claire Zimmerman, Hartford, CT -- 2 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #17
“…my ex and are talking again”
I acted so badly I am ashamed of myself. I never thought I would see the day where he would be fighting to get me back but that is just exactly what happened once I started applying the priniciples of Breakup Reversed.
After following the steps you suggested he responded immediately. Furthermore our relationship is now on a more honest, firm and committed footing. Thanks so much Robert.
John Stevens, Sydney, Australia -- 3 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #18
“…I am very relieved that my ex and I are talking again...”
I don’t know if we will get back together again but I am very relieved that my ex and I are talking again after almost a month of a long bitter silence.
Cheryl Quinn, Macon, Georgia -- 5 Month Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #19
“You helped me get my Susie back...”
Robert if you had not written this book I would still be sitting at home alone. You helped me get my Susie back and for that I will be eternally grateful. I was doing the exact opposite of what you suggested and it was getting me nowhere. Thanks again.
Frank Van Rhe, Lewiston, Idaho -- 10 Month Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #20
“…I still can’t believe how incredibly it worked.”
Since my breakup of my 6 year relationship, I tried everything to get my girl back but nothing worked, she wouldn’t even return my calls. Then I took a chance on your book and I still can’t believe how incredibly it worked. my opinion, this is the best book on repairing a breakup you will ever find. Thank you.
Arnold Mason, Toronto, Ontario -- 6 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #21
“Not only did you save my marriage, you showed me how to rekindle the love we had in the beginning.”
It is not easy to fix something that is broken, but that is just what your book has helped me do-fix my marriage. Your book has provided me with a wealth of information, tools, and the confidence to get back on track.
Not only did you save my marriage, you showed me how to rekindle the love we had in the beginning. Thank you.
Jacqueline Hogler, Warren, Michigan -- 5 Year Marriage SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #22
“Thank you for Breakup Reversed!”
I’ve made a few mistakes in my relationship, but this time I thought ‘she is never going to take me back now - I have really done it this time’. I tried calling her, apologizing and everything else I could think of.
I finally came across your book and found out how to wipe the slate clean with her so we could start again. It worked and now we are back together. Thank you for Breakup Reversed!
John Howell, Howell, Omaha -- 8 Month Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #23
“We have been back together for weeks now and we are not fighting at all...”
I tried your Instant Reconnection Technique on my ex girlfriend and it worked like a charm. It was like all of the past had immediately been erased.
We have been back together for weeks now and we are not fighting at all because every time she tries to bring up some kind of sore point I simply employ the technique and the problem is gone. I haven’t been in the doghouse for months it is so powerful!
Samel Ortega, Eugene, Oregon -- 2 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #24
“It’s been a couple of weeks that we have been together now and I just wanted to say thank you.”
When my boyfriend said he wanted to breakup I was shocked. Everything was good, I had no idea he was unhappy. I cried and cried every day. It’s like everything I did reminded me of him.
Your book gave me the tools and inspiration to fight for him back and that’s what I did. It’s been a couple of weeks that we have been together now and I just wanted to say thank you.
Jennifer Cowan, Houston, Texas -- 1 1/2 Year Relationship SAVED!
Breakup Reversed Success Story #25
“…my ex and are talking again”
Your book has altered the course of my life. I will recommend it to anyone who wants to fix a broken relationship. I was on the verge of divorce and now because of you, my relationship is closer then ever. Thank you for saving my marriage!
Sybil Gillis, Tacoma, Washington -- 7 Year Marriage SAVED

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